Saturday 20 November 2010

Komen Pakar tentang Acai Berry Juice

What expert says about Acai Berry?

 Dr. Lou Niles, N.D. 

Certified Macrobiotic Wellness Counselor and end-stage cancer specialist says:

"... It's the COMBINATION [in the açaí juice blend] that seems to be working..." "... That is why there is no other food on the planet that can do this..." 

Why Eating Plants is so Important. Why We Age. And Acai Berry is ONLY Fruit on Earth Known So Far as a COMPLETE FOOD!!:

 Dr. Ralph Carson, Ph.D., RD, LD
Nationally recognized expert in the fields of eating disorders, weight management, child obesity and exercise physiology says:
"...The acai is often referred to as 'natures perfect food' because it's unique, its almost an anomaly, that it has the protein profile of an egg, fatty acid ratio of olive oil, low glycemic index, exceptional concentration of phytonutrients and antioxidants, a generous amount of trace minerals, loaded with vitamins and an excellent source of fiber..."

"Studies have shown that this little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world... nature's perfect energy food."

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, M.D., FACN

Dr. Perricone named açaí the #1 superfood in the world, topping his list of "Top Ten Superfoods For Age-Defying Beauty" in his bestselling book, The Perricone Promise

"Acai is a new fruit that comes from the rainforest, particularly in Brazil. It is a very, very powerful antioxidant. It has twice the antioxidant content of a blueberry. So it's a wonderful alternative to carbonated beverages. Now it's just sort of breaking through."

Dr Mehemet Oz, M.D

Known as "America's Doctor" and frequent Oprah guest


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